WAITING for the eggs to hatch ~ Tesco-Complaint

Friday, March 21, 2008

WAITING for the eggs to hatch

Yesterday I went for shopping to my local Tesco Express (Argyle Street, Glasgow), to buy some groceries for the Easter weekend. As I have choosen all items, I went to the till in order to pay.

There was a queue of about 15 people in front of me, waiting to be served.

I am afraid to tell you that it took almost 20 minutes to checkout.

Since the last couple of year I have always been a faithful customer at Tesco and do enjoy shopping there very much, however, the checkout time and the unfriendly sales assistant made me feel very uncomfortable. If this will not be changed in the near future, you might loose me as your customer.

In hope to hear from you as soon as possible on that matter and the solution you will come up with.


Anonymous said...

It is Easter so what do you eggspect? You dont even state which Tesco it is so you are quite stupid and it was probably only 20 seconds wasn't it?

Anonymous said...

Are ASDA customers dumb or something? I think your TESCO customers must feel foolish when they read staff talking about them like this. Well done keep up the good work Tesco Staff!!!

Anonymous said...

I don't work for Tesco.

Anonymous said...

The fact remains, that greedy Tesco has appalling levels of customer service and attitudes - they simply couldn't care how long we waited, as long as we are shoved through and rid of our hard earned cash..... wankers...

Anonymous said...

WTF is TM doing back on here?

We outwitted you hundreds of times in the past and you disappeared for a while, now bugger off!

Anonymous said...

Ok, maybe think about the following -
1)It's easter weekend... A bank holiday, so it's bound to be busier as less people are working
2) As a result of this, maybe less Tesco staff are working, so the staff on the shopfloor at the time are coping the best they can on at such a busy time.
3) Another result of number one is that as there are more customers in the shop, the staff have to work extra hard, so may, after a long shift, not be at their happiest.

Stop complaining, and just find joy in the fact that you can get all you want at a Tesco Express on a bank holiday.

I'd place money on the fact that you're one of these customers that also complains about Tesco owning too many stores and taking too much of the UK money.

Huh? Correct?

Anonymous said...

it was easter weekend.....and the assisstant was probaly stresses if they had a que that long to deal with. How would you feel it you were the assisant?

also tesco does measure the length of its ques and if its not performing the mangers get their arse's kicked

Anonymous said...

Its true. It was Easter what do you expect? When your working an extra long shift with certain tempered customers (Not all, but you do get some) throwing their keys and what not of course your going to get pissed off. You have to remember most customers are stressed out when they get to tills. And the staff have to put up with that all day. Cut them some slack.

Anonymous said...

Oh boo hoo, there was a queue in a shop. Damn Tesco for being busy, they should open a store just for you!